As you probably know we offer a free Android and iOS app to easily upload pictures from a smartphone to a pix-star frame.
If you have not yet tried it do not hesitate to download dit from the App Store, search for ” pix-star snap “.
If you started using it already this tutorial will help you how to do multi selection of pictures to upload more than just 1 picture at a time. It will also show you how to navigate the history of the files you already sent.
1. Open the Pix-Star Snap Android App. Click on the “Share Photos” button and accept all permissions.

2. Swipe Up the photo slide underneath the camera view.

3. It displays the photo selection Grid View.

4. Click on the Check Icon on the Top Right of the view. Select multiple pictures by single press on any of these in the grid. You can scroll down and select older pictures if you want. Maximum is 30 items at once. You can unselect a picture by pressing it again.
5. History: the Green Check marks the pictures that have already been sent previously in the app. When you select a picture it will have a White marker. Then press the “OK” button to send.

Alternatively you can also activate the multi selection by Long Pressing on any of the picture in any of the 2 views mentioned before: Camera view & Grid view.
Enjoy your pix-star!